[3 phrasal verbs for today] Turn Off, Bring Back, Pick Up

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Are you looking to take your English language skills to the next level? If so, you're in the right place!

Today, we're diving into the fascinating world of phrasal verbs. These dynamic word combinations are essential for fluency and natural communication. Phrasal verbs may seem tricky at first, but fear not – we'll explore three commonly used ones: "Turn Off," "Bring Back," and "Pick Up." Understanding their meanings and usage will add a spark to your language prowess.

Why Learn Phrasal Verbs?

Before we delve into the exciting world of phrasal verbs, let's understand their significance. Phrasal verbs are everywhere in English – from casual conversations to formal writing. They help convey nuanced meanings that individual words often can't capture. By mastering phrasal verbs, you'll not only sound more natural but also comprehend native speakers better. Now, let's jump into our first phrasal verb:



Turn Off

a) Meaning: To deactivate or switch off


Example: She always remembers to turn off the lights before leaving the house.



  • Remember to ___________ the TV when you're done watching.
  • It's essential to ___________ all electronic devices before boarding a flight.


Association Hint: You can imagine a knob that you “turn” so much that it falls “off” and the device stops working.


b) Meaning: To disinterest or repel


Example: The excessive violence in the movie really turned me off.



  • The monotonous lecture quickly ___________ most of the students.
  • His rude behaviour during the meeting completely ___________ the potential clients.


Association Hint: Think of a person who is so boring that after a few minutes of talking with them you “turn off” your ears and don’t listen to them anymore.


Bring Back

Meaning: To return or reinstate


Example: Please bring back the book you borrowed when you're done reading it.



  • She promised to ___________ the borrowed umbrella tomorrow.
  • The school decided to ___________ the annual talent show this year.


Association Hint: Imagine a library. First, you bring your favourite book home and then you “bring” it “back” to the library.

Pick Up

Meaning: To collect or acquire


Example: I need to pick up some groceries on my way home.



  • Could you please ___________ the dry cleaning on your way back from work?
  • We should ___________ some fresh fruit from the market for the party.


Association Hint: Think of a shop with teddy bears. You look at them and you “pick” one. Then you lift it closer to your face to see it better. You’re happy with your choice and take the teddy bear home.



Congratulations! You've unlocked the secrets of "Turn Off," "Bring Back," and "Pick Up." By learning these phrasal verbs, you've taken a significant step towards mastering English fluency. Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep using these verbs in your conversations and writing. Don't be afraid to make mistakes – that's how we learn best. Keep exploring phrasal verbs, and soon, you'll find yourself effortlessly incorporating them into your language toolkit.

Thank you for joining us on this language adventure – you're on your way to becoming a phrasal verb pro!

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