Korepetycje - Kseniya P. id: 25162

Kseniya P.

60 zł/60 min
60 zł/60 min

Celta qualified "Pass A" awarded English teacher. I've been teaching English for 5 years to adults as well as teenagers and kids

Kseniya P. 5.0(opinie: 1)

Celta qualified "Pass A" awarded English teacher. I've been teaching English for 5 years to adults as well as teenagers and kids


Język angielski

Poziomy nauczania

Szkoła podstawowa 4-6 klasa
Przygotowanie do IELTS
Dla dzieci
Poziom A1-A2 (Beginner, Elementary)
Poziom B1-B2 (Intermediate)
Dla początkujących
Poziom podstawowy
Poziom C1-C2 (Advanced, Proficiency)
Szkoła podstawowa 7-8 klasa
Przygotowanie do TOEFL
Szkola średnia (profil podstawowy)
Szkola średnia (profil rozszerzony)

Miejsce lekcji

U ucznia:
U korepetytora:

O sobie:

Korepetytor prowadzi zajęcia jako profesjonalny dostawca usług edukacyjnych, dlatego też do świadczonych przez niego usług edukacyjnych mają zastosowanie przepisy z zakresu ochrony praw konsumentów.

I'll help you to improve your conversational English and grammar. I'll always get my students to the results they want.
The most important factor of a successful language learning is motivation. If a student isn't motivated and goal-oriented, it would be quite a challenge to make him study. I had many cases in my practice, when students were pushed by their parents and in the end failed because of their reluctance to study.
The second factor is natural gift. In my opinion, natural abilities help you to grasp a language quicker, but they aren't always a key to a successful learning. What's more important is your diligence. Many naturally-gifted people fail, because they don't want to put necessary effort.On the contrary, plenty of people with ordinary abilities manage to succeed, because they are hard-working and set the objectives to achive.
Generally, our innate abilities don't guarantee success or failure. They only show that we need to put less effort in order to archieve the goals. Being organized and self-disciplined helps you to succeed in learning a language.
Using effective learning strategies can also help you to make the process of obtaining the language quicker.
Moreover, teacher's personality is a very important factor for a language learner.I can tell that from my own experience. Very often my students' parents tell me that if it wasn't for me, our children wouldn't be so interested and motivated in learning English. When i was a student myself I attended lessons of the teachers whom i liked as personalities more willingly. The term "personality" includes many factors such as appearance, intelligence,
ability to communicate with people.Effective teaching and learning are the results of an integrated personality of the teacher. What's also important is coach teacher-student relationship. Teacher should create effective environment for his learners. If you want to go on a journey of the English language acquisition, contact me. With me it can be easy and interesting!

Ghent University, inżynier, 2015
ponad 5 lat

Grafik zajęć korepetytora

Oto godziny, w których korepetytor ma możliwość pracy z nowymi uczniami. Wolne terminy mogą się zmieniać w czasie rzeczywistym. Dlatego zalecamy ustalenie dokładnych terminów z korepetytorem


Zamieszczone opinie są opublikowane przez studentów zarejestrowanych w serwisie, którzy korzystali z usług korepetytorów.




Język angielski, Przygotowanie do IELTS


Bardzo polecam! Korepetytorka zawsze świetnie przygotowana do zajęć. Uśmiechnięta, wesoła. Wszystko cierpliwe tłumaczy.

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60 zł/60 min