Daniel A.
I'm Daniel, a teacher, a translator and an educational institution owner that loves challenges and seeks constant improvement!
I'm Daniel, a teacher, a translator and an educational institution owner that loves challenges and seeks constant improvement!
About Me
Hello everyone!
It's nice to meet you :) I'm Daniel, a teacher, a translator and an educational institution owner that loves challenges and seeks constant improvement! I love languages the most and thus "Arrival" is my No.1 in recent films. Egon Schiele's "Winter Tree" defines my personality the most accurately, but as a 'dragon twin' I'm full of unexpected ideas and solutions. My inspiration is drawn from nature by active lifestyle incorporating, trekking&hiking, rollerblading, open air Aikido and writing.
Me as a Teacher
First of all, I lived in Chicago and London and afterwards I have been working as an educator for the last 13 years, teaching English (mainly) in state and private schools, companies, corporations, homes and on-line. My versatility and individual approach have allowed me to successfully reach wide range of clientele and develop a unique brand of services.
Oto godziny, w których korepetytor ma możliwość pracy z nowymi uczniami. Wolne terminy mogą się zmieniać w czasie rzeczywistym. Dlatego zalecamy ustalenie dokładnych terminów z korepetytorem
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