Nastassja P.
My name is Nastassja, 23. A native English speaker. I have a degree in Bachelor of Arts in Communication. I have TEFL/TESOL certificates.
My name is Nastassja, 23. A native English speaker. I have a degree in Bachelor of Arts in Communication. I have TEFL/TESOL certificates.
My first classroom teaching experience was back in The Philippines where I came from. I voluntarily gave English lessons to primary school kids in suburban districts during various charity events. Furthermore, during my university days, I was making extra money as an English tutor, for kids aged 5-12.
For the last 5 years I have been working in outsourcing companies as a “Customer Support Specialists”. Finally, I decided to completely change the path of my career. I obtained my TEFL and TESOL certificates, and moved into Poland to seek more opportunities and develop myself as a professional English teacher. For the past 3 months, I have been teaching English in a Chinese online teaching platform. Most of my students are between 4-10 years old, but I am also teaching adults almost everyday.
Throughout my whole life and career, I developed a skill set relevant for a teaching role. I have always been passionate about teaching, public speaking and communication. English has always been my forte as it is the second official language of the Philippines, so I have been using this language since I learned how to speak.
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