Korepetycje - Ricardo I. id: 47966

Ricardo I.

50 zł/60 min
50 zł/60 min

Insightful, inquisitive, creative, out-of-the-box, fully bilingual in English and Spanish, articulate educator with adept engagement of people

Ricardo I.

Insightful, inquisitive, creative, out-of-the-box, fully bilingual in English and Spanish, articulate educator with adept engagement of people


Język angielski

Język hiszpański

Poziomy nauczania

Szkoła podstawowa 4-6 klasa
Szkoła średnia
Szkoła podstawowa 7-8 klasa

Poziomy nauczania

Szkoła podstawowa 4-6 klasa
Kursy uniwersyteckie
Szkoła podstawowa 1-3 klasa
Szkoła średnia
Szkoła podstawowa 7-8 klasa

Miejsce lekcji

U ucznia:


Dolny Taras

Bartodzieje, Śródmieście, Bocianowo, Leśne, Okole, Bielawy, Skrzetusko, Zimne Wody, Babia Wieś, Bydgoszcz Wschód, Zawisza, Siernieczek

U korepetytora:

O sobie:


• Arizona State University August 2008 – July 2012
• MPA – Master of Public Administration
• Relevant Coursework: Advance Policy Analysis, Management of Urban Government, Law and Public Administration
• Relevant Research: The Effects of Inequality in U.S. Public School Funding; DACA and Comprehensive Immigration Reform
• Cornell College
• Bachelor of Arts – Political Science August 2001 – May 2003

Private English Tutor / Teacher August 2022 – Present
Mother and Child Bydgoszcz, Poland

• Developed essential English language skills such as everyday vocabulary, colors, body parts, simple sentences in short dialogs, describing everyday activities, as well as relating locations through focused practice in order to help students acquire confidence

TEFL Teacher
WEB International English Jan. 2017 – May 2019; Nanjing, Jiangsu, China
• Tailored and delivered lessons to meet 93 percent of all young and older adult students’ language needs at different proficiency levels by fostering language skills across an array of business-relevant and career-oriented subjects (100 percent of classes focused on topics ranging all the way from job titles: Lawyer, Entrepreneur, Engineer, Chemist, Civil Servant, et cetera, to Interviewing Skills; Role Plays with Question and Answers, Business Ethics; conflicts of interest / international business etiquette to Work v. Personal Life balance).
• Provided at least 95 percent of my students with personalized comments and feedback, including encouragement on the language strengths conveyed in class (shared specific advice and recommendations on ways to address and fix grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and listening deficiencies).

English as a Second Language Teacher
Joy English School Apr. 2016 – Dec 2016; Liaoyang, Liaoning, China

• Instilled diverse vocabulary and question-making skills in young learners (aged 6–15), and taught them tenses, passive voice, causative clause, comparatives, and superlatives, by making comprehensive use of electronic media and different techniques including TPR (Total Physical Response).

English as a Second Language Teacher
BrainMaps August 2014 – November 2015; Shenyang, China

• Imparted English reading skills through concentrated practice, and utilized speech verification technology to support and listen to students as they read aloud.
• Applied different language programs together with project-based learning, guided reading, storytelling and public speaking experiences, as well as performance recitals in order to help students build their confidence and encourage them to increase their use of English in different real-life settings

Arizona State University, magister, 2012
ponad 3 lata

Grafik zajęć korepetytora

Oto godziny, w których korepetytor ma możliwość pracy z nowymi uczniami. Wolne terminy mogą się zmieniać w czasie rzeczywistym. Dlatego zalecamy ustalenie dokładnych terminów z korepetytorem

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Wcześniej oglądane profile

Ricardo R.;

Ricardo R.

Insightful, inquisitive, creative, out-of-the-box, fully bilingual in English and Spanish, articulate educator with adept engagement of people

50 zł/60 min