Korepetycje - Samuel A. id: 111718

Samuel A.

90 zł/60 min
90 zł/60 min

I am an experienced and knowledgeable English Teacher. I have a track record of success in delivering the highest standard of teaching. And develop strong relationships with my students, and am passionate about motivating them to reach their full potential.

Samuel A.

I am an experienced and knowledgeable English Teacher. I have a track record of success in delivering the highest standard of teaching. And develop strong relationships with my students, and am passionate about motivating them to reach their full potential.


Język angielski

Poziomy nauczania

Przygotowanie do IELTS
Przygotowanie do GMAT, GRE
Język w biznesie
Native speaker
Poziom C1-C2 (Advanced, Proficiency)
Przygotowanie do TOEFL
Przygotowanie do CAE
Przygotowanie do FCE

Informacje o doświadczeniu:

The Direct Method, Audio-Lingual Method, Suggestopedia, Task-Based Learning and Grammar-cum-Translation Method.

Miejsce lekcji

U ucznia:
U korepetytora:

O sobie:

Korepetytor prowadzi zajęcia jako profesjonalny dostawca usług edukacyjnych, dlatego też do świadczonych przez niego usług edukacyjnych mają zastosowanie przepisy z zakresu ochrony praw konsumentów.

I would describe my teaching methods as highly adaptable. I do not prefer one teaching method or one way of interacting with the students. Because in my opinion, each class is different, and so is each lesson, and a good teacher should always adjust their teaching to their audience. I simply prefer an individual approach to teaching, and I alternate between being an authority, demonstrator, facilitator, and delegator. So far it has been working great, so I have no reason to doubt the effectiveness of my teaching style.

WorldQuant University, Bachelor in Computer Science, 2014
ponad 5 lat

Grafik zajęć korepetytora

Oto godziny, w których korepetytor ma możliwość pracy z nowymi uczniami. Wolne terminy mogą się zmieniać w czasie rzeczywistym. Dlatego zalecamy ustalenie dokładnych terminów z korepetytorem

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Samuel S.;

Samuel S.

I am an experienced and knowledgeable English Teacher. I have a track record of success in delivering the highest standard of teaching. And develop strong relationships with my students, and am passionate about motivating them to reach their full potential.

90 zł/60 min