Korepetycje - Ksenia B. id: 113423

Ksenia B.

60 zł/60 min
60 zł/60 min

My profession is my passion. I enjoy communication and being among active and curious people. I'm always in a search. I take part in various trainings and conferences for teachers to follow the newest tendencies. For my student I choose CLIL method as it gives the best opportunity to learn the language by examining the world around us.

Ksenia B.

My profession is my passion. I enjoy communication and being among active and curious people. I'm always in a search. I take part in various trainings and conferences for teachers to follow the newest tendencies. For my student I choose CLIL method as it gives the best opportunity to learn the language by examining the world around us.


Język angielski

Poziomy nauczania

Szkoła podstawowa 4-6 klasa
Szkoła średnia
Poziom A1-A2 (Beginner, Elementary)
Poziom B1-B2 (Intermediate)
Studia zagraniczne
Poziom podstawowy
Szkoła podstawowa 7-8 klasa
Konkurs przedmiotowy

Informacje o doświadczeniu:

Comfortable learning of basic English for everyday use by Cambridge and CLIL methods. I don't speak Polish so we will communicate only English. Students age limits 10+

Miejsce lekcji

U ucznia:
U korepetytora:

O sobie:

Korepetytor prowadzi zajęcia jako profesjonalny dostawca usług edukacyjnych, dlatego też do świadczonych przez niego usług edukacyjnych mają zastosowanie przepisy z zakresu ochrony praw konsumentów.

By 2021 I've become a founder of English language club Starlight - the space for children and youth where my students could fell comfortable during the education: free to investigate the language in English-speaking atmosphere, enjoy being among like-minded people and experience communication in close to real life situations.

This long pedagogical way taught me to follow some rules:
- be kind, open-minded and honest with your students
- support and motivate your students
- fell the passion of education and share it 
- never stop studying and do your best

I'm also a mom, so I totally understand the demands and interests of Alpha generation.
That's why I choose modern didgital educational platforms, apps and interactive methods.
We achieve better results when we're involved in process.

National University of Mykolaiv, magister, 2011
ponad 10 lat

Grafik zajęć korepetytora

Oto godziny, w których korepetytor ma możliwość pracy z nowymi uczniami. Wolne terminy mogą się zmieniać w czasie rzeczywistym. Dlatego zalecamy ustalenie dokładnych terminów z korepetytorem

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Wcześniej oglądane profile

Ksenia K. id: 113423

Ksenia K.

My profession is my passion. I enjoy communication and being among active and curious people. I'm always in a search. I take part in various trainings and conferences for teachers to follow the newest tendencies. For my student I choose CLIL method as it gives the best opportunity to learn the language by examining the world around us.

60 zł/60 min

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