Mea B.
I'm Mea, originally from the Philippines, I've been living and working in this city since 2018. I'm teaching at a language school during the afternoons. For me, teaching is about understanding each student's unique journey and creating a space where curiosity is encouraged, questions are welcomed, and every student feels valued.
I'm Mea, originally from the Philippines, I've been living and working in this city since 2018. I'm teaching at a language school during the afternoons. For me, teaching is about understanding each student's unique journey and creating a space where curiosity is encouraged, questions are welcomed, and every student feels valued.
Informacje o doświadczeniu:
I love to establish a clear and measurable goal to achieve within a month, and dedicate a focused effort towards the development of the skill through a variety of methods such as games, flashcards, interactive activities, and communication practice.
Augustówka, Czerniaków, Ksawerów, Służew, Służewiec, Sadyba, Siekierki, Sielce, Stary Mokotów, Stegny, Wierzbno, Wyględów
Korepetytor prowadzi zajęcia jako profesjonalny dostawca usług edukacyjnych, dlatego też do świadczonych przez niego usług edukacyjnych mają zastosowanie przepisy z zakresu ochrony praw konsumentów.
Throughout my academic journey, I have diligently pursued excellence in both scientific knowledge and pedagogical skills, preparing myself to effectively teach a diverse range of subjects in the English language.
I believe in the importance of setting clear and measurable goals to accomplish within a month. By dedicating effort towards skill development, and utilizing a range of methods including games, flashcards, interactive activities, and communication practice, learners can effectively enhance their abilities. Providing model examples serves as invaluable reference points, demonstrating desired outcomes and effective techniques for achieving them. It's crucial to offer ample opportunities for practice, enabling learners to apply newly acquired skills in real-life contexts. Additionally, consistent feedback and assessment are essential in identifying strengths and areas for improvement, guiding learners towards their goals with precision and effectiveness.
Oto godziny, w których korepetytor ma możliwość pracy z nowymi uczniami. Wolne terminy mogą się zmieniać w czasie rzeczywistym. Dlatego zalecamy ustalenie dokładnych terminów z korepetytorem
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