Valentyna M.
I am a native speaker, I have been living in Poland for more than 8 years, I have been working in Polish companies with native speakers for all 8 years, and I am actively improving my Polish in practice. In parallel, I work in an online school and have been teaching Polish for over 2 years (well-known bloggers study with me), my students pass state exams with a score of over 85%, enter universities
I am a native speaker, I have been living in Poland for more than 8 years, I have been working in Polish companies with native speakers for all 8 years, and I am actively improving my Polish in practice. In parallel, I work in an online school and have been teaching Polish for over 2 years (well-known bloggers study with me), my students pass state exams with a score of over 85%, enter universities
Informacje o doświadczeniu:
A friendly atmosphere, a lot of language practice, I always take the student's wishes into account during the learning process. There is a possibility of classes in mini-groups with relatives and friends. I am preparing for state exams A2 - C1
Ten korepetytor nie prowadzi zajęć jako profesjonalny dostawca usług edukacyjnych, dlatego też do świadczonych przez niego usług edukacyjnych nie mają zastosowania przepisy z zakresu ochrony praw konsumentów.
National University of Wroclaw, majoring in philology. I will teach you not to be afraid to speak, in the lessons I emphasize the speaking part.
Oto godziny, w których korepetytor ma możliwość pracy z nowymi uczniami. Wolne terminy mogą się zmieniać w czasie rzeczywistym. Dlatego zalecamy ustalenie dokładnych terminów z korepetytorem
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