Korepetycje - Marina K. id: 52578

Marina K.

60 zł/60 min
60 zł/60 min

✅️ Teacher with more than 10 years of work experience. I teach Ukrainians (children and adults) from different countries. ✅️ I have an individual approach to each student. ✅️ I choose a convenient and flexible study schedule just for you. ✅️ Thanks to full immersion in the language, you will speak English from the very first lesson, regardless of the level!

Marina K.

✅️ Teacher with more than 10 years of work experience. I teach Ukrainians (children and adults) from different countries. ✅️ I have an individual approach to each student. ✅️ I choose a convenient and flexible study schedule just for you. ✅️ Thanks to full immersion in the language, you will speak English from the very first lesson, regardless of the level!


Język angielski

Poziomy nauczania

Kursy uniwersyteckie
Dla dzieci
Poziom A1-A2 (Beginner, Elementary)
Poziom B1-B2 (Intermediate)
Dla początkujących
Język w biznesie
Native speaker
Poziom C1-C2 (Advanced, Proficiency)

Informacje o doświadczeniu:

♡ Training is carried out according to the most effective method in Europe - Direct Method. A method that allows you to master spoken language 3 times faster.
♡ Language learning using all 4 types of speech activity (reading, writing, listening, speaking) with an emphasis on speaking - the main communication tool.
♡ The visualization method allows you to show important grammatical and lexical topics in the most accessible and visual way.

Miejsce lekcji

U ucznia:
U korepetytora:

O sobie:

✅️ Without DZ, which saves your time!
✅️ Trial class lasting 30 minutes - free!
✅️ All materials, textbooks and accompanying materials are absolutely free!

Lviv National University, magister, 2015
ponad 10 lat

Grafik zajęć korepetytora

Oto godziny, w których korepetytor ma możliwość pracy z nowymi uczniami. Wolne terminy mogą się zmieniać w czasie rzeczywistym. Dlatego zalecamy ustalenie dokładnych terminów z korepetytorem

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Wcześniej oglądane profile

Marina M.;

Marina M.

✅️ Teacher with more than 10 years of work experience. I teach Ukrainians (children and adults) from different countries. ✅️ I have an individual approach to each student. ✅️ I choose a convenient and flexible study schedule just for you. ✅️ Thanks to full immersion in the language, you will speak English from the very first lesson, regardless of the level!

60 zł/60 min