Naeem Vineet A.
Hi! My name is Vineet. I am a native speaker from the USA, and I am currently studying for my Engineering MSc in Europe. I love movies, music, pop culture, and learning about different cultures!
Hi! My name is Vineet. I am a native speaker from the USA, and I am currently studying for my Engineering MSc in Europe. I love movies, music, pop culture, and learning about different cultures!
Informacje o doświadczeniu:
I adapt to each student's needs and learning styles. I love conversational classes and working with teens and adults, especially for intermediate and advanced levels!
Korepetytor prowadzi zajęcia jako profesjonalny dostawca usług edukacyjnych, dlatego też do świadczonych przez niego usług edukacyjnych mają zastosowanie przepisy z zakresu ochrony praw konsumentów.
I have been teaching English since 2018, and I have had a passion for tutoring since I was a teenager. I first began tutoring in 2010 by teaching physics and environmental engineering through a summer camp at the University of North Texas.
In total, I have seven years of formal teaching experience, and I have taught online for over three years. In total, I have worked with over 300 students in individual lessons, group classes, company courses, and business consultations.
As an English teacher, I love building connections with my students and helping them read, write, listen, and think in English as fluently as in their own native language. My typical lessons include breaking news, discussions about popular English-language films/TV, preparing for presentations, language games, reading from novels, dynamic debates, and more! I love conversation classes with teens and adults, especially intermediate and advanced levels.
Oto godziny, w których korepetytor ma możliwość pracy z nowymi uczniami. Wolne terminy mogą się zmieniać w czasie rzeczywistym. Dlatego zalecamy ustalenie dokładnych terminów z korepetytorem
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