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60 zł/60 min
Edukacja: Akademia WSB
Doświadczenie: mniej niż 1 rok
I'm studying at a university in Poland while aiming to teach and share Korean language and culture in a unique way. This process will make language learning more interesting and effective, it offers a unique perspective on Korean culture and entertainment. Are you ready to explore and enjoy the world of the Korean language and culture together? I don't have formal teaching experience, but I am currently studying at a university abroad, where I have gained practical experience by discussing Korean culture with my friends and teaching basic Korean conversation through watching dramas. Through the first lesson, I embark on a process of unders...
60 zł/60 min
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Średni koszt lekcji Języka koreańskiego w mieście Kraków - 60 zł/60 min
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